Search found 362 matches

Band: Cat Power

she really should be an actress,certainly not a musician. what a fucking clown. if i want to listen to a talented woman singing beautiful songs i listen to PJ Harvey,Breeders,Nina Nastasia, Kristin Hersh,Sugarcubes et coetera. also,she seems to be very "hip" at the moment...which makes her CRAP in m...

Band:Pearl Jam

every time i hear the solemn tone of Pearl Jam's singer i want to kill somebody.
you can guess from the way he sings that this guy takes himself sooo seriuosly.

I Hate Them

i shouldn't like this thread but,god, i do. emo kids who desperately want to look like the singer in Weezer "intellectuals" who think that dressing in black will make them look like "proper intellectuals" people that drive their cars too fast people who try to skip lines (half of the Italian populat...

I Hate Them

i hate almost every "emo-core" band.
i also hate the notion of "post-rock",which implies that there can be any music made after rock.fuck it. rock is the end of music,rock's the apocalypse.there can be nothing after rock.

please don't take my words too seriously.

EA tracking rooms

hello, could someone of the staff kindly explain the layout of Electrical Audio's live rooms? i always marvel at how different they look from other studio's rooms and yet seem to sound so good (i'm not an audio-expert, but after buying countless records recorded at EA it seems apparent to me that th...

SM57: love & hate ?

they always say sm57 is THE mic for electric guitar and snare drum,
but i've never understood why...i've never had good results with that mic in that situation.
IMVHO the only thing i find sm57 good for is for micing certain types of bass guitar...

Crap-Not Crap: The Game

amos wrote:
a) Simone: not crap
b) Nastasia: crap "

no fucking way,amos.

Nina Nastasia wrote the song "That's All There Is" ,therefore she is NOT CRAP.

by the way...
Brainiac: not crap
White Stripes: crap

and how about...
Aphex Twin:

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