Search found 45 matches

Black Flag fucking sucks.

I like what they (mostly Greg Ginn) accomplished in helping to successfully create an underground system for bands when it barely existed. They definitely went through more than most bands and I respect them for that. I only have The First Four Years, and I have no idea what to say about it. On one ...

The Gangster State and the Conspiracy Phobia of the Left

Bob, a lot of the information you try to spread is useful to know, and I'm pretty much on the same page with what you say on 9/11, the reserve, Israel and most of the other issues you bring up. But the way you pose yourself as the superhero here to awaken humanity only closes people up to the valid ...

The Gangster State and the Conspiracy Phobia of the Left

Most people are not willing to accept the idea of any alternate theory, and I think that's a problem. Conspiracism as a worldview is not a good one to have, but it's naive to act like people that inherit great national or financial power would be above killing and creating false stories to protect i...

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