Search found 45 matches

First Primary Debates

m Anyone care to prove this wrong? It seems way too much of a landslide to be true, and Infowars definitely manipulates information to make their points best. If it's anything like what this shows, though, that's amazing, and how blatantly the media ignores the wishes and interests of most people is...

Mike Gravel Calls For War Crime Trials, 9-11 Investigation

Here's a good article about Kucinich and Gravel- discouraging as fuck and nothing that new, but well done. I'm really starting to consider putting my work towards one of the still human candidates in this election, it's never mattered more. ... &Itemid=34
Republican debate should be fun to watch with Ron Paul.

First Primary Debates

Goddamnit, what's all this Kucinich hating about? He's the only Democratic candidate around that is willing to go beyond particular issues and really try and change our country, and the only true opponent of imperialism running. If the public is too fucking afraid of that, then that's their fucking ...

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