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Regarding just how digital is impossible to archive?

There are quite a few areas where analog recording trumps digital recording. I don’t know if “ease of storage” or “reliability of storage” even qualifies as a valid debate, however. The idea of permanence is being tossed around a lot, without much validation. The permanence of an analog recording ca...

Comic: George Carlin

I watched a good portion of the HBO marathon last night. It served as a good refresher. I think Carlin was far better in the 70s and early 80s. Some say he was “tamer,” but I would disagree. Most of his best bits—the ones he would do until he died—came from this period (a place for all my stuff, the...

Movie: Jaws

First of all, it's not a horror/suspense movie, it's just a movie, meaning it's not a genre film, as are the other films you mention. Perhaps that's why you didn't like it: You were maybe expecting it to push certain genre buttons.

Movie: Jaws

Spielberg's unequivocal peak, IMO. Great film. And here's the delivery: Hooper: You were on the Indianapolis? Brody: What happened? Quint: Japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our side, Chief. We was comin' back from the island of Tinian to Leyte... just delivered the bomb. The Hiroshima bo...

Movie: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

A really bad movie--the worst I've seen since "Spiderman 3." Those who say this movie is dumb and harmless fun just like the first three, and hence it's not a departure from the first three, are wrong. This movie contains almost nothing of what made the old ones fun to watch. George Lucas ...

i wish there was a definitive guide to recording a rock band

There’s such a subjective quality to sound. What sounds good to one person doesn’t to another. I think most of us here like things that sound, for lack of a better term, un-fucked-with, a sound which Albini and other have championed with their work. Go elsewhere, like, I don’t know, radioland or Mtv...

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