Search found 1685 matches

Band: Can Band: Can

tmidgett wrote:Thanks for the tip on the Inner Space record (Kamasutra). Dusty Groove has it...or had it.... Mr. Chimp wrote:Anyone grab The Lost Tapes on vinyl? Does it come with DL code?Really want to grab this but am having heartburn at dropping such monies for vinyl without DLs included (or, rea...

Band: Can Band: Can

Anyone grab The Lost Tapes on vinyl? Does it come with DL code?Really want to grab this but am having heartburn at dropping such monies for vinyl without DLs included (or, really, most vinyl these days).THX!

Alex Chilton dead at 59

The opening strumming, slamming into the first verse and chorus of "Feel" forever changed me instantly the first time I heard it many many moons ago, like a thunderburst of rain to a desert plant that didn't know it was thirsty.I am absolutely disgusted that I never saw this man/band perform live.Pe...

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