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Mayor Daley

Only three pages on this thread?
I guess some people need to start moving to Bensenville or at least west of Western to cultivate some bitterness towards the Daley gestapo.
Too many people in chicago are too comfortable or too hopeless by Daley's legacy. That 30% voting turn out proves it.

Mayor Daley

There's this dude in our building who has a picture of a younger Richy on his wall facing the hallway so as you walk by you can't avoid seeing his highness.

The Sun Continues Quiet Preparations For 2012 Ice Age

I don't care, I hope the Earth freezes. Like, tonight. Freezes then shatters into ten million little pieces. Fuck it. Dude, that tease ass tornado really had my hopes up last night. It even made me forget about the melvins. After all, we'll all need them overweight chicks to keep us nice and warm.

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