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no it's not the motors that is responsible for the thing you mention as lag . but the controler board ( CMC10) . the motors is not weak at all but the board is not very efficient . this board adjut the speed of tape according the pressure on the capstan which is higher when many keys are pressed . j...


"I disagree that tape lag doesn't show up on samples"

what is this shit ??
I got a M400 and there is no lag at all ! a mellotron well serviced rocks

Band: Converge

records = not crap
live performance = total crap

the singer is the most boring singer I've ever seen ! his vocal performance on record are far far better

snare sound

no phase problem if the mike is directly on the surface . even it's the only case where you are sure there is no phase problem .
i like to put omni mike directly on the floor or on wall ; very nice to get the room sound in a small room where phase is tricky .

Sandwich: Cheesesteak

frankly I don't know what to think about that .

sure there is steak ! but cheese ? this is not !!
it's at philly the first time I saw cheese which was applied on bread with a brush ! a really paint brush ! it scared me .
i'm french you know .. :?

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