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Little details from your day

Kayte wrote:Just had a great idea:
Drinking Math Club
Everybody gets together at a bar and drinks. Each person brings a difficult math problem and the group solves it together and everyone learns something!

Who's in?

I am not very advanced at math but I think it would be fun . . .

The Comedy of Craigslist

I fucking love the "Near O'Hare" guy . Ha! I like the obvious logo replacement and the bullet truss rod adjustment on that "'57." I imagine that all of the little details he cites (dates on the pots, etc) are things that outed his earlier attempts as fakes. There was a hilarious...

The Comedy of Craigslist

I fucking love the "Near O'Hare" guy . Basically there is a dude on Chicago CL who posts the same items 8x a day. He also creates bad forgeries of old guitars and amps and tries to get a lot of money for them. People flag his posts, or offer detailed descriptions of why the guitar he's sel...

Little details from your day

My wife's friend moved here from DC a few weeks ago with her boyfriend. He just told her he's out of here, headed back to DC. Chicago is much too violent he says. So yeah, if anyone needs a place to live she's gonna need a roommate and if anyone needs a girlfriend I'm sure she'll be in the market f...

Beans vs. Rice


I will eat the hell out of all of the following kind of beans:

green beans, black beans, fava beans, black-eyed peas, chickpeas, cannellini, those little French green lentils, and edamame.

even some of the other ones like lima beans can be made to taste pretty good.

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