Search found 9 matches

shellac amps

In roughly '88 I was living in Madison WI and had a Marshall non-master 100 watt head that was modded to run on a pair of EL34s and a pair of 6L6s. The guy that did it was named Kevin Macy (I think I remember correctly...). He later moved to Seattle and I heard he became amp guru to a bunch of the s...

Info on Oram BEQ Series 8 console?

I haven't fired it up yet so it may have issues but they told me that it works properly. I'll know in a few days. It was bizarre... Just walking down the street towards my studio space and planned on walking in to see if I could find some cool junk gear (never happens to me) and there in the front w...

Info on Oram BEQ Series 8 console?

So I'm walking past a thrift store and there in the window is an Oram BEQ Series 8 console (24 input, 8 buss) at a time when I'm worrying about what I'm going to do for my next board. I snapped it up immediately. Can anyone give me info/opinions about them? Strengths? Weaknesses? Typical problems? T...

harmonic percolator

I've had an original one for over 15 years and agree with much of what has been said so far. However I think the most important characteristic of the pedal is that it doesn't shave off the low end like most pedals do. My bass player has had it on a long-term loan from me because his bass still sound...

cell phones

Speed Dial. I'll use my cell phone even when I'm next to a perfectly good land line becaue the phone numbers are programed in the cell phone. I don't necessarily remember the phone number but by pushing one button (speed dial) the phone starts ringing. Otherwise I have to search for the number in th...

B& W speakers

I use the Kyocera amp that I already owned. I thought I might need to replace it when I upgraded to these speakers but I like how it sounds. I don't find the N805s harsh at all, but they definitely have a lot of high end definition. I don't know what your budget is, but unless you have unlimited res...

B& W speakers

I have a pair of the B&W Nautilus 805's. Incredible speakers. Extremely detailed, balanced, accurate, and non-fatiguing. They sell for around $2000 new, the Signature series is a slight improvement on the same model for several hundred more. I bought mine on audiogon for $1200 and had a great ex...

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