Search found 57 matches

My Restaurant is Dying

you could follow the 3-step Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares plan, which is the basis for every episode, both sides of the pond, every week, which doesn't make the show dull whatsoever. Step 1 - Reduce the number of dishes on the menu, fine-tuning as you go. Step 2 - Clean up the decor. Is it look...

Shellac in Europe

Please kerble me if I'm the last person to the party, but I just saw these German dates, and wondered if their were more planned for Europe?

02.05. MARIA AM UFER Berlin
03.05. SCHEUNE Dresden

Austin, Texas

I'll be going to Austin this year, for SXSW predictably. I'll be there for a week so please give me any ideas that aren't watching bands, of things to do. I'm thinking food, interesting stores, museums. Anything other than bands really.

What does one do in Austin?

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