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Weird guitar sounds

anyone have any clue about the feedback on Drive Like Jehu's Yank Crime? especially in the last 3 minutes or so of 'luau'. it baffles me. ive kinda had the same results with pressing the E and A strings until they hit the pickguard on a tele through a couple of terrible distortion pedals and a crapp...

berhinger tube mic pre?

i heard from a few folks at school that berhinger makes an 8 channel tube mic preamp for cheap, and, quote 'if you dont mind buying berhinger stuff' which we have no problem with. the thing is, every relevant berhinger page i could find is in german, and i am an english-speaking person. if anyones g...

drums woo hooo

thanks a lot guys, its really helped alot. and its interesting you said something about getting too much cymbal in the mix. i recorded something today actually and i really wasnt happy with how hissy it sounded, tried to fix it with eq, (which if i can help it, id rather not resort to it) and nothin...

Book Talk

a friend of mine let me read a book called "the cheese monkeys" by Chip Kidd. its a good short read, absolutely hilarious. it reminded me a lot of palahniuk in that in the last 1/3rd of the story, things just get a little hairy and fantastical (if thats even a word haha). its only about 300 pages lo...

drums woo hooo

okay, i got a problem. i am a guitar player, but i play drums in my band by default, because there is no one else around that plays. thats worth playing with anyway. i played and marched from 6th grade to 11th, but i never really bothered to find out anything about drum heads. ive come into some mon...

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