Search found 7 matches

Band: Korn

slipknotlad12 (1 week ago) +5 korn totally revolutionised everything in all rock/metal genres, i mean very few people apart from jonathon look kool in kilts and glitter leeather track tops they just mad XD Korn totally revolutionised everything in all rock/metal genres. How can this band possibly b...


too fiddly to dance to Some lady dressed as a pixie didn't think so when I saw them. She kept bumping into me and screamed in my ear when they finished their set. I used to be Battles-curious but I just don't trust them anymore. They seem to be kinda soulless plus they get annoying after a few list...

Dealing With Youths

There's always ignoring them but these cunts seem like they're not gonna give up that easily.

I'd say find out where they live then brick up their doorways. Or post frogs through their letterboxes, or maggots or something.


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