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Favorite Neil Young Album

about the gig on friday,
i forgot to mention the ridiculous merchandising stand !!!!

Tshirts : 35 €
Hoodies : 65 €
Hat cap : 25 €
Poster : 10€

are they out of their fucking mind ????? 35€ for a Tshirt...
it was hard enough to gather the 45€ for the ticket.

Favorite Neil Young Album

So, it was my first Neil's gig yesterday ! fucking awesome ! he fucking rules !! the stage was so pretty ! an hydro speed fan, an indian totem, a painter acting during the whole concert, an 3/4 white piano painted with vivids colours, 2 harmoniums, a marimba, and a shit load of ampegs, fender deluxe...

Little details from your day

I went to the theater yesterday night to see the Dark Knight, and on the way back home, in my street, surrounded by people cause there was a big event on the main square near where i live, i caught a guy, lying on a car receiving a blowjob from a girl (both apparently drunk, in their twenties or som...

Little details from your day

i don't know if i talked about this before, but about 1 month ago, i bought an up right piano from an old man for 150 €. since then i'm at least 4 hours a day on it ! it's a German piano, more than 100 years old, so said the guy who came to tune it...

Favorite Neil Young Album

On the beach !! i'm gonna see Neil live for the first time on friday ! i'm pretty excited ! hope it will worth the 46€ and the 2 hours drive !! too bad i'm pretty sure he won't play a single song from On the beach did anyone see him recently ? any setlist ? EDIT : i got my answer : 08-11-2008, Oslo ...

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