Search found 3 matches

The FUCK OFF Thread.

london heathrow airport: fuck off baggage handlers what destroy my luggage: fuck off baggage handlers what lose my luggage: fuck off anyone who happens to pilfer through my luggage from the time it's checked, to the time i pull it off the baggage carousel, in the name of security: fuck off my wife's...

The FUCK OFF Thread.

My grandpa's visits to the hospital: Fuck Off My drummer: Fuck Off The glass of wine I cannot find: Fuck Off Belmont: Fuck Off. Really. You are nothing but a twat. My gut: Fuck Off. Everyone who has let loose in this thread (with the exception of Belmont) Fuck Yeah! The guy that plays drums in the ...

The FUCK OFF Thread.

People who attend college for jazz: Fuck Off.

People that stop on entrance ramps: Fuck Off.

Old guy that's a third degree black belt and threatened to mop the floor with me: Fuck Off.

My wife's parents: Fuck Right Off.

Bar owners that owe me money: Fuck Off.

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