Search found 91 matches

Act: Having Nice Things

Owning quality goods and consuming locally harvested foods is great. And factory farming and factory food? Screw you! Organic wine! Fuck yes! Three cheers for happier colons! But yuppies! don't pretend you did the world a favor by being the first on the block to drive a fucking Prius! That shit's a...

Act: Having Nice Things

As I've begun earning the kind of money that allows me to buy "nice things", the phrase has come to mean organic, humanely and sustainably grown foods, especially locally produced foods, responsibly made goods with high post-consumer recycled content, etc. All of them are more expensive, ...

movie: Idiocracy

I haven't seen South Park in a while, but I have it on reasonable authority that it blows . Way to think for yourself there, Luther. "Steve Albini thinks it blows, therefore I'll make up my mind without actually watching it myself, based on what Steve said..." I've seen South Park , just ...

movie: Idiocracy

i think you're overestimating your typical american "stupid mike judge comedy" viewer. in general, americans are fucking ignorant and completely oblivious to even the most basic commentary in idiocracy. using your definition of smart (has to show insight, can't be obvious or simple) in re...

movie: Idiocracy

why can't it be both? why can't a totally dumb movie (which this obviously is), say some smart things? Name two. Give us two "smart things" this movie said. Keeping in mind "smart" implies a form of insight that is neither obvious nor simple. why is south park the most socially ...

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