Search found 1099 matches

EA Usergroups The Trail of Tears, comprised exclusively of members who's story revolves around them shitting their pants in the 'embarrassing acts' thread. Col. Panic leads this filthy brigade, definitely. Wait! That looks like a butthole, not a hot d...

Interesting world records

Oddly, a Google Img. search for Michelle Monahan yields this... MOST SEMEN SWALLOWED Michelle Monahan had 1.7 pints of semen pumped out of her stomach in Los Angeles in July 1991. I'm gonna go ahead and call no bullshit .

EA Usergroups

people who doug sohn recognizes and can name group. This has happened a few times, but its been years. I've been trying to rebuild the first name basis over the last few weeks. I'm trying again in an hour or so. Wish me luck, I want to be back in this group! Fucking AlBStern ruined my chances by or...

EA Usergroups

jayryan wrote:people who doug sohn recognizes and can name group.

This has happened a few times, but its been years. I've been trying to rebuild the first name basis over the last few weeks. I'm trying again in an hour or so. Wish me luck, I want to be back in this group!

milwaukee people: fonzie

wow - i want to visit that! Its across the street from the St. Paul Hotel . Quick sidenote on said hotel: AlBStern, myself, and Braver (guy on our baseball team) went to another teammate's wedding and stayed here. Our rooms were not ready so we went to the bar and got shitfucked off of bourbon for ...

do women ever...

Lewis Black, as funny as I think he is, is not allowed to make Chicago drinking jokes. Ever. Well, fortunately, the original joke, referring to liquor prices in Wisconsin, is this: "Even with the plane ticket it's cheaper than drinking in New York!" So, ya know, liberal paraphrase. I stil...

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