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A mastering question re: dither

monotremata wrote:Ok to clear up some Logic stuff...Youre audio is not at all 32 bits.No piece of hardware can top 24 anything youve recorded is at 24 bits and thats it. This is why there is only ONE checkbox in the Audio prefs that says 'Enable 24 bit recording' and you have no other options. Its e...

A mastering question re: dither

Ferrett wrote:Why would you dither a premaster? Im a master engineer and I would smack a man for doing that. There is never a need to dither twice.If we're going from a 32 bit float mix bus to 24 bit file then bit reduction is clearly occurring. It would surely make sense to dither it (at 24 bit of ...

A mastering question re: dither

Dave Roy wrote:The way I understand it is that 24 bit can capture dynamic information down to 144 dB which is below the noise floor of even the best signal chain. As Rodabod suggested the noise level of any 24 bit record should essentially act in the same way as applying dither.Bob Katz actually has...

A mastering question re: dither

benversluis wrote:If you haven't already, read "Mastering Audio" by Bob Katz. I had to read this for my last class and it covers dithering very well. Yes, excellent book. On reflection, dithering any time there is bit reduction makes the most sense, and I was just getting mixed up by (as opposed to ...

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