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Please Tell Me About You

Age/Sex/Location?24/female/NgaiotongaDo you have any brothers or sisters?2 sisers both older than meWhen was the last time that you've cried?Yesterday, shit was just a bit too much at that point in time.Do you post on any other forum(s) and if so, which ones?NopeWhat was the last good CD/LP that you...


Woooo! Congratulations!

Um, my dad gave really good discipline and I thank him for that. Taught me to be accountable for my own stuff.

About Sylvain - SlyBug

Stephanie, it maybe hard now but stay strong for him and yourself. It can be a bumpy road with many ups and downs to recovery. It took myself 10 months to get over pneumonia.
My heart goes out to the both of you.
Get Well Sly Bug!!!!

Do you plan on having a family?

I come from a large extended family, even though I have only two sisters, my parents were always looking after everyone elses kids. I loved this environment. I know it wasn't easy for my parents, but why should it be? If I could raise a family in the country with a whole lot of dogs, cats, chaos, ki...

What is a reasonable departure time after a random hook up?

Hmmmmmmmmm.... This reminds me of something I did when I was 17. I was a keen soccer player then and we had our end of year awards and such. Jesus, I got one of the most outta control drunks in my life. There was some shitty covers band playing and I took over and started singing. (I am shaking my h...

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