Search found 589 matches

How much should ethics factor into what you do for a living?

Ok, but the DEA is hardly going to target artists who smoke a little pot are they? Don't you think that their operations have some value especially in curtailing the activities of the criminal drug organisations? But, those criminal organizations would not exist, at least as drug trafficking organi...

flavored coffee

Flavored coffee is crap. I've tried them many times, cause some of the flavors do seem like they might tast good with coffee. But really, they never do. I mean, they taste better than piss, I'm sure, but not better than coffee.

How much should ethics factor into what you do for a living?

I think ethics are very important in considering what job you take. Like Justin said earlier, you spend most of you waking hours at work, so why not spend those hours doing something you believe is beneficial to society/life/whatever? I find myself being hypocritical by working at my current job, an...

Film: Rififi

A friend of mine got me Rififi for Christmas or my birthday or something. I wasn't at all familiar with the movie or with Dassin, but was pretty damn impressed when I watched it. Definite not crap.

Bernie Mac: He s Dead.

Damn. I wanted to post a thread titled Bernie Mac is Alive, but Ace changed the title of this one. Ah well, that's what I get for doing work, eating lunch, and trying to catch up on the enormous racism thread. Probably would've just counted as Kerbleable spam anyway.

Rock and Roll Librarians

I forwarded this to my two librarian bosses. One of them forwarded it to her husband who has a librarian degree but is not a librarian. Turned out one of his friends, who I guess must be a librarian, flew out to interview for the job. That's all I got on the details though.

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