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Film: Midsommar Film: Midsommar?

NewDarkAge wrote: ˜facially disfigured children are sinister . Wicker Man. I didn't get that this child was meant to be understood as sinister, rather gifted. NewDarkAge wrote:I liked this review.Completely disagree with this review w/r/t to characters. The story is about Dani, she's the only charac...

The Fearsome and Mammoth Only Allowable Aftershave Thread

Antero wrote:enframed wrote:Man, Tom Ford used to make a vetiver based aftershave, it was a gift (not for sale ever I think) when you bought cologne. Fuck that stuff was great. I used buy the gift bottles on eBay but haven't found it in years.I'm kinda Team Vetiver now, idk. Might look for some othe...

Film: Midsommar Film: Midsommar?

tallchris wrote:The most cringey, horrifying part of the movie was the conversation between Christian and Dani after she has just found out he's going to Sweden in two weeks(!!!) and he tries to do the whole "well, I told you I wanted to go to Sweden, what's the the big deal?". I've definitely been ...

Film: Midsommar Film: Midsommar?

atomjackfuser wrote:I honestly didn't laugh because the absurdity level didn't reach the point were shit gets funny. You feel awful for Dani, so how can you laugh at that. If I watched it again, perhaps the bear "suit" would be funny. The funny bear part was when Simon asks "Are we all gonna ignore ...

Film: Midsommar Film: Midsommar?

Saw it last night, loved it. So much possible social commentary in here: dudes being dudes, the purpose of academia (who it is really for), anthropology and transgressions made in the pursuit of knowledge, male/female dynamics, the collective pain of women, the male sexual appetite for young girls, ...

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