Search found 5020 matches

Over and Over and Over Again

I once had "Treat the New Guy Right'" on repeat for what I believe to be hundreds of repeats, just days of being at work, same song.Did the same thing with "Dogtag"."Kerosene", "Terminator X to the Edge of Panic", and "Surrender" rival those two songs.30 minutes, pfft. Rookies.

Bands you don't want to see

A friend brought up the fact that the Eagles are coming to the Boise area. I would pay a fairly unreasonable amount of money or inflict minor injury to myself to avoid having to attend an Eagles concert.Marsupialized wrote:Any male on a stage with an acoustic guitar in his hands. fuuuuuuuuuucccckkkk...

Everyday Confessions

ubercat wrote:I find Sheryl Crow attractive.Jesus of Christ!Now that's a confession!She-Ra Crow has that late-life mommy, gym-addicted, for-Christ's-sake-how's-about-something-besides-a-radish-for-dinner? physique that makes me gag. It's simultaneous emaciation (neck through torso) and buffness (arm...

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