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Your earliest memories

I must have been no more than three, and I was at the entrance to the block of flats we lived in with my Mother. I found a badass toy truck on the step, but my Mother told me I couldn't take it because it belonged to some other little kid, and it wouldn't be fair. That's the earliest concrete memory...

Last Question(s) for Steve

Didn't you people learn anything from Crash?

The only way we'll ever defeat the racism that is so deeply engrained in LITERALLY EVERYONE, is through a sub-Robert Altman plot and an ensemble cast.

I say we start storyboarding the PRF version as soon as possible.

Performance: The Musical

The entire genre can be justified by the ten movies Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers made together, Top Hat most particularly. The cinematography and choreography in any given Busby Berkely film is also Not Crap. So, musicals from the sort of Golden Age of Hollywood are NOT CRAP to a degree that, I th...

Song: Whoomp! (There It Is)

This one's for Tim Midgett. Flippin' eck. This is great! I'm DJ'ing this back to back with 'What What (in the butt)' next time I get a gig. Fuck it, I'm doing it now. In the office. I would go to that disco. The comments are also amazing: "they are young girl who want to express themselfs"...

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