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Can anyone recommend a good recording school in London, UK??

i'm currently at SAE in london. it's a 1 year audio engineering course so as well as recording theres also mastering, pro tools, surround sound. the first few months is pure theory (acoustics, basic electronics, synthesis) obviously its not perfect but there is a shitload of info at your fingertips ...


(working from memory so 'scuse inaccuracies)

"she's staying with me so word from the top is out of bounds"

"right, got it, hands off, look but don't touch"

"what d'ya mean look?"

"shake hands, be friendly. just one question though"


"what if she's up for it?"

Studio design - feedback request.

i am admittadly far from being an expert but was under the impression that halogen lights, low voltage or not, are going to cause significantly more noise than your normal bulb type arrangement. maybe someone could confirm or deny this? if proved wrong i am quite prepared to post up relevant embarre...

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