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who hates Me ?

My reason for starting this thread was that just like some folks have trouble reading me I have trouble reading them as well ( communication can be difficult when conversational language is used without the beneficial cues of inflection or body language and "smiley's" don't really do the ...

who hates Me ?

to the other guy: i'm still not telling you what i think of you, because why the fuck should it matter. people will treat you how they do and live with it or don't. just like you'll be who you are and we'll live with you or not. My reason for starting this thread was that just like some folks have ...

who hates Me ?

This is one of the best threads in a while that contains arguing. Why is it one of the best? Because people MS Painted pictures... pictures = purty. It's also rawksome because belovlieness has no self awareness about what he posts that is and is not racist (unintentional) regardless, 'hats off' to ...

DAW Recommendations?

i demoed tracktion a bit for a while and it seemed pretty easy at first to understand, thought a bit over-simplistic perhaps. need to check cubase - one thing i don't like about it it's that it seems like you need two monitors to be comfortable using it. Could you clarify "oversimplistc",...

who hates Me ?

I had a pretty neutral opinion of you for a long time, what, a year or two or whatever it is. You've come across as opinionated and ready to argue, but you're in Baltimore so you get a lotta room for that, from me anyway. Huh, what does this statement mean? Is this saying that Baltimorons are argum...

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