The fact that a 57 isn't as high fi as other mics is the reason I like em so. Sometimes I'll put up a 57, 421 and 201 and dig the 57 the best because it just sounds right. Not better, just right for the song or mix. To the original poster, get a better snare. You can find a ton of good, generic snar...
i bought a total of three last year. I think two were from ebay and one was from funky junk in the UK. I sent the whole lot of them to AKG to check out. They replaced the cap in a couple and gave the other a clean bill of health. I can use any of them in a pair and they sound great. Two silver bodie...
None of this discusses the wear and tear on the actual gear. Is there a downside to the gear by staying on? Tube life for tube gear? Solid state gear? What about gear that runs hot? I feel funny about leaving that sort of thing on....amps, etc. It's bad enough if your studio burns down from faulty g...
None of this discusses the wear and tear on the actual gear. Is there a downside to the gear by staying on? Tube life for tube gear? Solid state gear? What about gear that runs hot? I feel funny about leaving that sort of thing on....amps, etc. It's bad enough if your studio burns down from faulty g...
I like both. I really like the more modern look and innovations of Neutrik, but there's still something about that 'click' you get with a good ol USA made Switchcraft that you know you're connected.
You just can't F*** with a MilSpec part....
Being the old guy that I am, I recall when these things were the shit to own and play. I also seem to recall that they sounded like ass up close, but at the back of the room, they were pretty good. ...and loud enough to hurt you. I'd try to put it in as big a space as possible and get some space bet...
Why does no one want to use an SM57 when looking for a versatile mic? That's what these things do.....everything pretty well. And they're cheap. For those of you that don't like the 57, try it through an API or Neve style pre and I think it'll open your eyes a bit.
SM57? Nothing wrong with them on a Fender. Also, on most open back cabs, a front and back mic works well. Unless you're in a great room and then you can pull the mics off the amp a bit and then you're getting more of the amp in the room. In most rooms, that opens up a whole new can of worms.... late... gotta track em down. Normally it's hard to find them w/o the preamp though. I've bought the preamps as well just to get a cool capsule like the omni, etc....