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Drugs: Antidepressants

Rick Reuben wrote:I'm a stupid hippy.
Listen up THE MAN, your pharmaceutical shackles can't hold us down.
I protested Vietnam.
I dodged the draft so I could ride the bus.
I sat in the back.
Now don't you dare call me a nigger.

Drugs: Antidepressants

When half the damn country ends up on these drugs, will most of you in this thread still be claiming that half of America is chemically unbalanced and in need of drugs? Maybe we should just seed the reservoirs, or use crop dusters. Maybe if you would just shut the fuck up with all your anti-America...

The Winner s Thread

My mom said that I won my parents' hearts by being such a cute little boy. At least it's something. Although I didn't really get much of a prize for that. And in fifth grade, I won the title "Most Likely to Eventually Be the President of the United States". I bet your mom is a stupid bitc...

Life Expectancy

Maybe I don't really want to know How your garden grows I just want to fly Lately did you ever feel the pain In the morning rain As it soaks it to the bone Maybe I just want to fly I want to live I don't want to die Maybe I just want to breath Maybe I just don't believe Maybe you're the same as me W...


[url=] ALIEN ABDUCTEE FROM KENTUCKY WEARING A THOUGHT SCREEN HELMET "Since trying Michael Menkin's Helmet, I have not been bothered by alien mind control. Now my thoughts are my own. I have achieved meaningful work and am ...

This day in history...

Today we celebrate the beginning of American assholism. On this day in 1776, a bunch of assholes who who didn't want to pay taxes decided to declare their independence from Great Britain. These same taxes that they would have had to pay if they still lived in England. Let's all eat hot dogs and burg...

News Flash: You re Fucked

your crackpot theories that while probably true Cut it out, Grohl. Fuck you, You could easily compress every crackpot theory of your's into one thread. All your bullshit is easily able to be put into one thread. With that said, there was no 9/11/01 because that was a leap year and 9/11 is the day t...

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