Search found 117 matches

Band: Can Band: Can

Christ, NOT CRAP.One of my first proper life-changing discoveries when I was a teenager (found that Anthology double CD in the local library and played it to death) and they remain one of my biggest musical influences. I go through periods where I don't listen to them but I think that's a good thing...

Please Tell Me About You

Age/Sex/Location? 34/M/UKDo you have any brothers or sisters? No.When was the last time that you've cried? Saturday.Do you post on any other forum(s) and if so, which ones? Cookdandbombd, Mental Illness Happy Hour, Rock! Shock! Pop!What was the last good CD/LP that you've purchased? Robert Rental - ...

Wedding Music or "your song"

^^^ Damn! I can't argue with that. My wife would've slapped me if I suggested that.Registry officeSeating of guests: Fur Immer - Neu!Bride walk: Do You Believe In Magic? - The Lovin' SpoonfulRight after final kiss and exit of wedding party: Observatory Crest - Captain BeefheartBoat from city centre ...

Live From The Barrage

Funnily enough, I've been listening through some of the past episodes after a long while. Funny stuff, especially little moments like Conan dissecting THAT James Brown interview, any moment from the Woody episodes (including "I put my Twisted Sister videos on and took a shit right in the middle of t...

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