Search found 327 matches

Game: Chess

I would like to reiterate to Mr Chapman and all that I still play on the correspondence site and my username is 'avecya'. Three days per move is your time limit so plenty of time to take the position to pieces and work out the very best move possible before I destroy you.

Little details from your day

Today I played a Grandmaster. GM Gawain Jones, ranked eighth in Britain. Whupped my ass. what is the "no of moves" equivalent of a chess whupp ass? I have played chess a few times, like a decade ago & the only moves I ...

Game: Chess

Dylan wrote:No real chess player would resort to a lame move like the en passant.

This is a silly thing to say, Dylan. If it's the best move in the circumstances, it's the best move. If it's a lame move in the circumstances, it's a lame move.

Game: Chess

How to win at chess very quickly: piss your opponent off so much before the game that he refuses to shake your hand. Nigel Short won this one on Sunday due to Ivan Cheparinov having no manners. FIDE rules forbid 'anti-social behaviour'.

Quitting Drinking

Quitting drinking is good. It is not always easy not to drink but it is very rewarding. I've been dry since the start of last June. Don't expect to not change as a person though. Some stuff will fall away, as will some people, and some stuff may become important that you never expected. Some stuff w...

R.I.P. Bobby Fischer

Bizarre. Yesterday I borrowed Volume 4 of Kasparov's My Great Predecessors from the library and spent a good few hours last night reading about Fischer's youth. At around midnight I played through the game that rock1rock2 posted above. Bobby was really young when he played that game - about fourteen...

Sport: Chessboxing

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