Search found 24 matches

The Problem With People

This is why the aztecs had the right idea - ritual human sacrifice, as terrible and bloody as possible, every day, possibly every hour. Pol Pot understood this, as did Stalin, naturally. THIS WAS A JOKE, PEOPLE. I DON'T SUPPORT HUMAN SACRIFICE. Maybe you don't kill the humans yourself, but every ti...

air your prejudices

I am sorry to say that I am predjudiced against American people of only one ethnicity. If your kin have been in this country for so many generations and not once have your ancestors fallen in love with a person of different race, then your family are probably pricks (unless you are a tribal Native A...

Worst band self-description

Does anyone really think this matters? When was the last time you heard a recently successful rock star say "man we were struggling to get a deal, and then we wrote this description yadda yadda and a record exec was like 'that's just the sound we're looking for'"? Just say you suck and be ...

Musician: Vincent Gallo

He was in Grey, an art-punk band here in NYC. Other members of Grey: Jean-Michel Basquiat. Well that's Two Scoops of Crap right there. awww, hey-ellllllllllll naw! I'm sorry young lady, but as a dood, Basquiat was doody. Not a fan of his art either although I will allow it time to mellow on me. The...

Musician: Vincent Gallo

He was in Grey, an art-punk band here in NYC. Other members of Grey: Jean-Michel Basquiat. Well that's Two Scoops of Crap right there. He claims that he rapped against Ice-T and won. I wanna see that footage. How does one "win" a rap battle? By the crowd's response. I'm picturing an L.A. ...

rock amps...

I'd like to see a thread on good "Mick Ronson amps." Simms Watts 100W head through matching 4x12. Probably a couple of fuzzboxes on the way in. Les Paul. BOOM. "Ziggy played guitahhhhhhhhhhh". It wasn't a regular Les on Reed's Transformer - I clearly heard a vibrato bar. I guess...

Little details from your day

I work very close to Hooters and am always amazed to see some fucking douche outside getting take-out . What the fucking fawk! Maybe he is against the objectification of women, but really loves the curly fries. I was loading up the car with one of the last piles of junk headed for the new place in ...

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