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Douchebag Support Bands

Well, it seems that you will all believe whatever you like, and you have little desire to discover whether this really was just a misunderstanding or not. That being said, I wish you much luck with your music, as what I saw was entertaining; and hope that I will be able to see you again under better...

Douchebag Support Bands

Marsupialized wrote:yeah too bad, but what can you do?

I can do very little, you could do quite a bit. I hope that at some point you will be willing to do so.

Redline wrote:
I'd totally see a band called At Odds With Orion Pax

That is pretty sweet.

Douchebag Support Bands

it's unfortunate that you feel that you must be at odds with Orion Pax. I understand they got off on the wrong foot with you, and I know they are sorry. It is alright that you don't enjoy their music, even alright if you think it is horrible, but it's too bad you can't at least be cordial about it.

Douchebag Support Bands

well, you can think what you like, but it isn't true. I mean, come on, the guy was so nervous he had to close his eyes most of the time to not be spooked by the audience. well, I'm sorry you guys met on bad circumstances, but I know that no one in Orion Pax meant any disrespect. The Lead singer made...

Douchebag Support Bands

This forum neglects to mention that this was one of the first of Orion Pax's public gigs. the lead singer was really nervous and actually meant to compliment the other bands, but it came out all wrong. Once he realized it, he tried to track down the other bands and apologize. I know that he talked t...

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