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current DIY projects you are working on .. or planning on.

repair ver1.0 FET DI (pretty sure it's just one poorly soldered capacitor)construct ver 2.1/2.1b FET DIs (same schematic as above except it's now fitted with a 24V regulator because I'm not too wild about the amount of ripple I think may be coming off of my wall wart power supply and the jack is now...

adding a rear input jack to an IVP

This is exactly the kind of advice I expected to find here. I had never heard of normalling before this thread, but it turned out that I happened to have a Switchcraft 112AX lying around, so I hooked it up the way the internet told me to and now I don't have to suffer volume loss on the front input....

adding a rear input jack to an IVP

It worked exactly as planned.

edit: By the way, I may have mentioned this before, but the insulation on the power cord, at least on my unit, was incredibly flaky, so if you're doing any work inside, it would probably be a good idea to replace it lest you inadvertently create a short or something.

adding a rear input jack to an IVP

Stock IVP input scheme: My idea for adding a rear input jack: What it will look like going in from the front: What it will...

TS-50 Pre-DI-Pedal

you know, although i was considering making my own rack ts-50b, this thing probably looks a helluva lot better and would set me back maybe just a bit more money. consider me interested (but still kinda broke).

seeing Magnetic fields

yeah pretty handy with your right hand, aren't you? i did that experiment last spring, and you're actually looking at an electron ring. because electrons are charged particles, we use the Lorentz force law [F = q(E + v x B)] to find out h...

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