Search found 284 matches

Phenomena: Globalisation

I don't know much about this stuff, but wouldn't one expect the corporate world to actively foster cultural disparity?

Isn't cultural homogeneity in the long term as dangerous to the survival of exploitative corporate behaviour as the homogeneity of consumption is beneficial to it?

Phenomena: Globalisation

A reversal of this reality seems improbable to me. I suppose that depends on how convinced one is of the unstoppable progression of cultural homogenisation - one might expect tension between a homogeneous global population and an all-expoiting global corporate/capitalist system... *runs screaming f...

Phenomena: Globalisation

Ultimate social homogenisation seems inevitable unless oil/climate change/politics ends the era of cheap travel. While the end significant social/societal differences might be considered unfortunate, their loss is more natural than their artificial preservation. Economic globalisation is CRAP - enab...

DIY help - broken shower!

I'm not arguing the point, just showing what I based my opinion off of. I have never seen one of these units before. I might have to look into getting one, my shower pressure is almost nil. I stand corrected! Simmo's shower does indeed appear to heat the water! Let us engage in no further shower-re...

DIY help - broken shower!

It's a power shower. Do you colonials never require these things? They're used when the water pressure (as provided by gravity) isn't sufficient to give a powerful shower - a pump increases the water pressure. The dial on the front is the hot/cold blend. There's (usually) no heating going on, just b...

DIY help - broken shower!

Mains electricity + water after you just blew your facial-hair off trying to fix the boiler? There's living on the edge, and there's living on the edge . Seriously, if the fuse has blown, you want to establish why it has blown before doing anything else. I reckon you'd be wise to call a sparky.

EA chatroom?

sparky wrote:I have downloaded pidgin and cannot get this to work. All my toys are lying in shiny pieces by the wheels of my pram.

Pidgin doesn't seem particularly suited to IRC. Try 'xchat' instead.

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