Search found 9 matches

Band: Kayo Dot

totally not crap.
i did sound for them this saturday when they opened for gregor samsa.
wonderful music.
i can see that some people might not like them as they are a special thing.
nice people too.

Sound Guy

Depending on when you worked with them, it is most likely that their drinking habits have diminished considerably. These days everyone is fairly sedate. Mostly. They are still very nice folks. good to hear. it was a bit scary to see that the alcohol supported their rocking attitude in the beginning...

Sound Guy

hi jon, i work here: the skaters palace is a bigger place not far away from the gleis 22. they mainly have hip hop acts there but they book guitar bands from time to time too. are you doing sound for hot water music there? i did sound for them a few times in the past. ...

Sound Guy

From where I stand (as a 'sound guy'), there is an important distinction between the two types of live sound tech - house guy and freelance guy. i work as a freelance soundguy and as a house guy in my hometown. House guy, on the other hand, works in the same venue night after night, with a variety ...

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