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Fred Mangan Guitars

steve wrote:That was the other him that was into mash-up.

Well, if this him isn't him, then you're a bigger cunt than ever, which was previously considered impossible. But no, him's always been an enemy of the mash-up community.

I still can't believe you think P.J. Harvey's "a genius."

Fred Mangan Guitars

Man, I thought you weren't even you . You're supposed to be some dude pretending to be you. Are you you now? Me, you... what's the difference? I never said that I wasn't me . Aren't you a writer? Learn to read. Also, do you think it makes you sound younger to use words like "douche," or a...

Fred Mangan Guitars

I'm paying rent in both Chicago and Denver, where I live in a house and a 10,000 sq. ft. live / work space, respectively, and enough bars employ me that I'm not too worried about the duck, reindeer, or gravlax blancmange. Thanks, but I've never been homeless. Or a child molester. Also, I love analog...

Fred Mangan Guitars

Oh, gosh. You really summed it up, didn't you? I've heard better from a six year year old. Very recently. Sad fact is, blunderbuss, you just don't know me, and my own reputation is also, shall we say, "rock solid." Your "words" are meager, oh, I dunno, "trinkets" to me....

Fred Mangan Guitars

Yeah. I'm sure if this Clayton character really cared about staying pseudonymous, he wouldn't use a name he's been posting under for years. Most likely, he'd just post under his own name, which must be a pseudonym. Eh, teh Internets. One thing's for certain: you crybabies sure are worked up. I could...

Fred Mangan Guitars

Sigh. One good way of preserving one's anonymity online is to impersonate someone who really exists. Trust me, Clayton Counts wouldn't mind, given his well-established penchant for causing trouble, and his undying hatred of Steve Albini. Not that it's so easy to impersonate him without drawing from ...

Fred Mangan Guitars

steve wrote:I'm a little bummed that Claytron turned out to be just some douche with a laptop and a blog.

If only! And hey, Stevie... a good 99% of what I said was true. Everything but the line about enjoying the first Shellac record. I've got a new name for you guys: Albini Babies.


Fred Mangan Guitars

Doesn't that make you kinda silly then, that in your first post on this thread, you used an unnamed member of Melvins, an unnamed member of Planes Mistaken For Stars, and Josh Homme as examples of people who know what they're talking about when they say Fred's work is good? You don't think much of ...

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