Search found 3 matches

Sovtek MIG 100 guitar amp

hi everybody, i've tried a Sovtek MIG 100 of a friend of my and... my god, that's my amp. i've tries also a lot of vox, fender, marshall and... ok they are fine but not so fine as the price. shit i'm not gonna pay thousands for an amp. i want a MIG 100. and for those who compares a MIG 100 to a JCM ...

Sovtek MIG 100

hi everybody, i've tried a Sovtek MIG 100 of a friend of my and... my god, that's my amp. i've tries also a lot of vox, fender, marshall and... ok they are fine but not so fine as the price. shit i'm not gonna pay thousands for a amp. i want a MIG 100. and for those o compares a MIG 100 to a JCM 800...

Sovtek Mig amps?

wow... that is not an jcm or some kind of that preaty british things, that is a russian tank and believe me, it will be your favrite amp, if u want a lot of efects try a line 6, 'cause a mig 100 is pure valve power, and it's loud... very loud! i've played in one of a friend of my and i just love it,...

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