Search found 651 matches

what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

If there's a heaven and they accidentally let me in, I will ride into battle against god on a giant anteater. I am not using my trusty symbol of appreciation multiplied by 3 this one time. Someone watch that video, who has the guts? What's it about? Beheading gnats, unsnouting anteaters?. I don't w...

About Sylvain - SlyBug

I did not know until a few months ago that pneumonia is 'any' infection of the lungs & not some specific strain of virus. You could just choke on your food, aspirate & end up with pneumonia when the food enters your lungs.....I think I 'over'heard this one right.

Artist: Jandek

So, I just finished listening to Jandek (_Telegraph Melts_) for the very first time today. His singing seems like the noise someone would make if they were getting a hip replacement surgery done without anaesthesia. Lots of moaning, groaning & yelping. He really seems to be in a lot of pain. I a...

Band: MX-80

I also came to this band through Subterranian Modern . For months on end I only listened to MX-80 Sound and Tuxedomoon. All in all, not a terrible way to live. As time went on however, the MX-80 vocals started to wear on me. Still... I don't find the vocals annoying but it could be that my senses h...

Question for mandroid

Have you shifted over to a rice cooker? Is this the next "ask tmidgett thread"? Are elephants obese? I am still sans rice cooker and doing just fine. Our kitchen is set up in such a way that a rice cooker would only take up precious counter space when trying to prepare a meal. I am nowher...

Band: MX-80

I just received 4 MX-80 CDs/albums which I had ordered off their website & strangely, all of them are just plain burnt CD-Rs, with the album name hand written on the surface. . For all you know, they could have been burnt from downloaded mp3s. Certainly not the best DIY pack that I have seen, bu...

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