Search found 651 matches

the Skibbe

First entry into the studio questions section & I see 'skibbe', 'bill has operated correctly', 'tofutti cuties', 'runs like a top' & 'intake manifold with a cinnamon flavored toothpick'. Crazy people. Bye

Band-Guy: The The

enframed wrote:soul mining was ok though i was mad for "uncertain smile"
edit: well, it's great until the piano wankery

The first few seconds of that song are amazing. Also, that's the only song that I have heard by them

what the fuck are these goddamn bugs in my apartment?

What's it about? Beheading gnats, unsnouting anteaters?. I don't want to watch it, so could you briefly describe it for me? It's fucking hideous, that's how I'd briefly describe it. Click it man, just click it. Does the video involve a man or animal?. I'm done with my fix of human beheadings, decap...

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