Like a nightmarish Peter Gabriel existence, something Gordon Gekko would pump out on one of his lavish party yachts. Hail excess. I've watched this about 20 times today thus far..
I've always liked 'Temptation Inside Your Heart.' Can't remember which record it's on; possibly a compilation. It always struck me as a song Tarantino would use in one of his flicks, possibly the 'ear cutting' scene in Reservoir Dogs if that Steeler's Wheel wasn't available.
I fondly remember going through the Tim Horton's drive thru up here in Canada with the 'Frankie Teardrop' track segued halfway through just before Vega lets out his harrowing bellow. After I was asked if I wanted to order 'anything else,' I shot back at the intercom: "Lemme just ask my friend h...
I have only heard a bit of their stuff off of iTunes! and from what I've heard, I like. They seem to be totally into their own novelty (I mean this as a compliment) and sound like they're having fun doing it. Not to mention, the guitarist is awesome.