Search found 4 matches

Baseball or Soccer?

And then there was that either Argentinian or Brazilian player whose "own goal" caused his team to lose in the World Cup, who was later murdered at a nightclub by a "passionate fan." A pedant writes: The guy was called Andres Escobar and he was Columbian. "Playing for Colombia in the 1994 World Cup...

Activity: Cheerleading

Not being American I don't understand the scholastic social nuances of cheerleader/jock/popular vs. everyone else. All I know is that cheerleaders look damn cute in those uniforms that they wear so they get a big ole YES vote from me.

new mclusky album

I am just listening to the new record and think that song writing wise it is closer to the first album 'My pain and sadness...' Some great sounds on there though - I think the guys have spent a lot of time working on getting some really great guitar sounds. I heard from Andrew that there was a bunch...

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