Two drummers?

Total votes: 4 (9%)
Not crap
Total votes: 39 (91%)
Total votes: 43

Re: Rock band format: Two drummers

Swans' Filth and the Fall's Hex Enduction Hour are sort of the pinnacles of this for me. (Ok, technically Filth is a drummer plus a percussionist, although the percussionist had some extra toms and a snare, I believe. ) The Finnish band Circle also used two drummers to great effect, sort of w/this double-motorik approach, on the album Prospekt. Nice Strong Arm's Reality Bath LP and the Butthole Surfers' mid-'80s records are also made much more interesting by the tag-team drum thing.

I'm less into Boz Scaggs, the Allmans, or Skynyrd's deployment of such, but I've also never really listened that hard. A second drummer didn't necessarily add much to Melvins. And I've never cared about Tortoise or whatever King Crimson was doing after the '70s.

That said, a resounding not crap. It sounds extremely cool when one drummer holds the beat while a second tumbles around it.

Re: Rock band format: Two drummers

brendan canty wrote:that was all with matt cameron, he's just so great. there's a lot at stake when you're the drummer.... but when there are 2 drummers it doesn't really matter. one of you is superfluous and if it's me and matt cameron, it's probably me. ... -to-shine/
ChudFusk wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2024 1:36 amenjoy your red meat.
Krev wrote: Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:58 pmEnjoy your Hydroxychloroquine

Re: Rock band format: Two drummers

penningtron wrote: Wed May 12, 2021 6:59 am There was a short-lived band from the midwest called Tornavalanche that was great at it. the Dischord band Black Eyes were pretty good too. (both were pretty heavily influenced by the dual drummer Fugazi stuff, which was great but why bother for just a part/song here and there)

But more often I think it sounds cluttery and unnecessary.
No idea how I am aware of Tornavalanche, but I loved their album and am sorry to learn (from your post) that they don't exist any more!

The audio is poor, but there is some good drummer footage on 'Tube.

*looks for footage*

Well! There's new footage from this year, so I guess they reformed! Good news!

There's the footage I was thinking of anyway...

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