Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

I really have no clue what to say, save for an observation about Mike.

One time at a show he and I were talking about moving overseas. He told me a story about trapsing around Italy when he was 18 or 19 and sleeping on benches at train stations and all that stuff and how great it was. I was shitting bricks about moving overseas myself, and he looked me in the eye and said "Ike, you're gonna be fine."
It was like a cross between a father or a big brother "telling it to ya straight." A moment in time when I really felt like it was all gonna be fine.

Mike is my favorite drummer, too. This seems trite respect to his greater, wonderful qualities, but it matters.
He was a good human being. I would say that straight to his face if I could.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

I've known Mikey (as Vicki calls him) for about 11 or 12 years. I really like the guy a lot, I always have. He was the kind of friend I ran into every couple of months and would talk. I was always really happy to see him and enjoyed his conversation and presense. It's cliche to deify those who have passed away but I'm finding myself feeling and saying all those things. He was a wonderful guy. I'm really going to miss him.

Tim, Vicki, and Andy, you guys have maintained a wonderful extended family for 20 years and across at least three cities. My heart breaks for you and you will be in my thoughts for a long time to come. You are a truly good bunch.


Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

BadComrade wrote:I can't help but sit here and imagine she's worried about if she'll be able to continue to model after her cuts and bruises heal and lawyer "gets her off easy" with a bullshit defense.

I've now known about this for most of the day, and here I am still awake at 3:53 in the morning feeling confused and angry... and I only met Michael a handful of times.

I'm sure a lot of us are feeling the same way. Even those who were only familiar w/ his posting on here. But I don't think there's any way in hell this woman is going to 'get off easy'. Not with all the money in the world.

More than anything, I'm glad that the beautiful music he made w/ SKWM is a permanent record of his time here with us. I'll be eternally grateful for that.
Tiny Monk site and blog

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)


Doug's memorial will be on Monday at the Munity Church in Evanston: 3434 Central St. at 2pm. I think that the times for everybody else's are still being decided on.

I was lucky enough to play a few shows with Doug a couple of years ago, and I remember being amazed that somebody that good could also be such a nice guy. I also met John through Becky, and have always thought that they were one of the few couples I know who I think were really meant for each other, and this news just breaks my heart. I can't imagine what everybody's families and friends must be going through, and I wish there were something I could say that would truly express my condolences. I'm so sorry.


Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

I helped Michael move one of the biggest and heaviest pieces of furniture to his new condo a couple weeks ago. On the way, Doug called to tell us about this insane bit of road rage he came across. The story starts out fairly normal- some guy cuts him off, Doug beeps, guy freaks out and starts taunting him. Somehow, the guy gets around Doug and when he does, he rifled a full milkshake at Doug, hitting him and splattering milkshake all over him and the car.

I just like that story...

John called me zepi. Only he and my mom called me zepi.

If anyone is interested, I zipped some photos I took of everyone at John and Becky's wedding and also some from a recent recording session that Michael, Mr. Chimp and I did. The wedding pics include some live band karaoke shots. And lots of smiles.

What an unbelievably tragic loss.

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

joesepi wrote:If anyone is interested, I zipped some photos I took of everyone at John and Becky's wedding and also some from a recent recording session that Michael, Mr. Chimp and I did. The wedding pics include some live band karaoke shots. And lots of smiles.

What an unbelievably tragic loss.

those photos were great- thanks for posting them
Last edited by heather_Archive on Sat Jul 16, 2005 8:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
looking forward to new projects by peter sotos, dr kay redfield jamison, lauren weedman, daido moriyama, loretta lux, jack mcbrayer, kim deal, rory kennedy, alex prager, jen davis, bracha l ettinger, martha plimpton, nina nastasia, matt besser

Remembering Michael, Doug, and John (was: not again)

joesepi wrote:On the way, Doug called to tell us about this insane bit of road rage he came across. The story starts out fairly normal- some guy cuts him off, Doug beeps, guy freaks out and starts taunting him. Somehow, the guy gets around Doug and when he does, he rifled a full milkshake at Doug, hitting him and splattering milkshake all over him and the car.

that story was hilarious, but what really made it so amazing was hearing doug tell it - and unless you knew him and his diction and demeanor, it doesnt quite have the full effect. it was like a brilliant david/goliath moment as he told it. thanks for sharing that, it made me laugh out loud and think of the good things these guys brought us.

madison/chicago people may remember the band the put-a-pons, which was doug/becky and shelly from telenovela. also a great band.

i still havent been able to figure out the right thing to say or do. everything i think or say about it feels trite.

i still can't believe just like that - and they;re gone. all three. doesnt seem real. like everyone else, my condolences to those close to them.
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