Zak THICK wrote:One of the few perks of moving to LA (that, and the weather). It's nice leaving a bar and not smelling like an ashtray. Every time I'd leave the Empty Bottle or Fireside, It was like I just smoked a pack from the second hand smoke. Want to smoke? no problem, step outside.
Right. But remember what it's like in the Midwest in the middle of January, when it's well below zero?
Here's the thing: PEOPLE WILL NOT STOP SMOKING. They already, what, maybe doubled the taxes? Didn't change a thing. A citywide ban on indoor smoking, particularly in bars, will hurt business more than help it. People will stay home. We played in Madison the day after the smoking ban went into effect. There were no other rock shows (at least not on our little indie-rock level), it was a Saturday night. Attendance was very, very low. For no other reason than people could no longer smoke inside.
Lame as it is, a lot of people go to shows just to hang out and be seen. They're not going to do that if they can't smoke there. And on the other side, I've come home smelling like a 250 lb. ashtray, with my eyes watering. Done it hundreds of times. Going to do it hundreds more. If it gets to be too much for me, I leave. I have that choice.