Favourite quiet to loud bit.

todd_v wrote:
Bruce wrote:Jesus Lizard-"Seasick"
That part in the middle of the song where it sounds like twelve abravise knocks on a door.

So nice.

I also like that bit at the end of "Monkey Trick" after the lyric "...a childish joke."

that part in "monkey trick," i believe it to be at about 1:28 (or maybe 1:05) where yow lets out that scream that sounds like tires screeching. best scream in any rock song, ever. no discussion.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Favourite quiet to loud bit.

A lot of my favorite loud-soft bits are old Smashing Pumpkins tracks. At the beginning of "Today," when everything kicks in on the 1 after the little riff, it just moves so much air. After the break in "Silverfuck," the swell and the scream.

The Pixies have tons.

David Bowie - The Bewlay Brothers. It's got the quiet verse, then the whole orchestra lurches drunkenly into the prechorus, then it gets even LOUDER. Also, Rock & Roll Suicide has the ending, where he pulls a variation - crescendo, cut, explosion.

Randy Newman - Cowboy. Verse is quiet and soothing, then there's this huge swell in the chorus, then it dies down again. Not quite the sharp cut, but close.

The Constantines also have tons. "Hyacinth Blues" is quiet the whole time, then the volume jumps and they start chanting. "Shine A Light" and "Insectivora" have HUGE noisy choruses that hit really fucking hard.

Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.

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