The Damned

Total votes: 8 (18%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 36 (82%)
Total votes: 44

Band: The Damned

NOT CRAP...though they did keep going WAY longer than they should have...i'd guess they're still making albums...maybe not...i probably have never even heard of half their albums, maybe that makes it easier to ignore all the crap they did...but, their first album is damned damned damned great! (well, probably not that great, i just wanted to make the pun!) the second one's alright, from what i've heard of the third one i think it's probably alright too...i wouldn't trust anything after that though...wait..."Video Nasty" wasn't a bad song, what album was that on?

Band: The Damned

Machine Gun Ettiquette is pretty damn good.
"I Just Can't Be Happy Today" is right up there with "Something's Gone Wrong Again." "Smash It Up" is my favorite.
Read their biography many years ago. It was funny. Also funny that not many people see Dave Vanian's influence on GD and The Misfits. Perhaps that's a good thing.
Let's hear it for Frankie...

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