Will you Scary Me?

I chuck in a vote for Texas Chainsaw Massacre as scariest film.

Has anyone mentioned the original Night Of The Living Dead? That bit in the graveyard at the beginning, whilst quite creaky, puts the willies right up me. The first sequel is scary too.

We watched Saw last night, as it goes. Wasn't bad.
Back off man, I'm a scientist.

Will you Scary Me?

TheLoveBetweenaMan&aW wrote:Last House on the Left
Last House on Dead End Street
Race with the Devil - scared the crap out of me as a kid
Duel - edge of seat suspense
Cannibal Holocaust
Threads - brutal British movie about impending nuclear catastrophe
Frailty - not as scary, but creepy, and a believable storyline

Cool...someone who actually has some good taste. This genre is full of fans that don't. Last House on Dead End Street is one of my all time favorites, as is Threads.

Also, I'd like to say that although I was originally optimistic about Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses (it turned out to be a total let-down), I'm not even looking forward to The Devil's Rejects. Sure, I'll go see it...but I'm not excited about it.
Oh, and fuck Mars Volta.

Will you Scary Me?

I'm obsessed with horror movies, but the only times I can remember being genuinely scared watching a film was:

1) Das Boot. I watched the 3+ hour director's cut on a projection screen in a German film class. After the screening, I was shaking while walking back to my dorm.

2) Fire in the Sky. I saw this in the theater in '93 when I was 12. Every scene involving abduction and experimentation freaked my shit.

3) The trailer to The Exorcist III. This trailer showed before Young Guns II. I was young and waiting to see cowboys. The next thing I know, there's a closeup of a Jesus statue. Jesus blinked at me, and I think he cried blood. Fuck.

Favorite horror movies as of Friday morning, 9:50 AM:
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Also in my top 5 films I've ever seen)
The Hitcher
The Brood
Don't Look Now
Black Christmas

SacredAndProfane wrote:Also, I'd like to say that although I was originally optimistic about Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses (it turned out to be a total let-down), I'm not even looking forward to The Devil's Rejects. Sure, I'll go see it...but I'm not excited about it.

I recommend it. Sure, it's flawed, but I had a lot of fun watching it (twice). And for the record, I was one of the few that geniunely loved House of a 1,000 Corpses.

Will you Scary Me?

ksounds wrote:Sleepaway Camp. Saw it when I was in fourth grade. Terrible movie, but that's the great thing about it. It's so bad it's disarming and laughable, until the end...total jaw dropper. Highly recommended.

Y'know, the end of this wasn't particularly creepy or surprising to me, but I still recommend this movie. Parts of it have a really, really weird tone that I can't explain. Other parts are just bland '80s slasher crap. It is worth noting that a few of my friends found the ending to this movie pretty scary.

BRW: Macabro is a damned entertaining movie. If I lived anywhere near you, I'd loan you my copy of it. If you're interested, it can now be had on DVD (as Macabre) very cheaply, in a two-pack with A Blade in the Dark, another (possibly better) Lamberto Bava movie. Of course, I bought them separately like a chump. Anyway, I suspect that you'd probably find it much less scary now, but it is still great.

Good lord, I love horror movies.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight Catholicism....no nuttiness or mystical crap here.

Will you Scary Me?

Scary movies are so scary!! I think I saw pretty much my lots worth of scary movies when I was between the ages of 8 and 13... I have avoided most like the plague since then.

I think the biggest mindfucks for me were:

Nightmare on Elm Street: Still have nightmares, wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hellraiser: First saw it when I was 11 on ACCIDENT at my friend's house... I walked in during a graphic sex scene between two skinless people. This was also the first act of sex I'd ever seen and probably the number one reason why I shunned all dudes until I was like 18. Fucking horrifying. Fucking horrifying.

Sleepaway Camp!!: A more rebellious mom rented it for us girls when we were twelve... the end is what gets you fer sure!!! No sleep that night! Just lots of accusatory looks!

Gremlins: Wtf???? That shit still freaks me out. I had a nightmare like a year ago involving a shit ton of flying gremlins coming down on a three story shopping mall. Whoa.

Night of The Comet: I'm not sure why, looking back... but it seemed freaky then.

I think Evil Dead is a little scary still, even if it's also silly... The whole fucked up house thing. Can't deal with it. I also thought that one movie with Bette Davis (Watcher in the Woods???) was scary as fuck too. It probably isn't though.

Will you Scary Me?

The first 1/2 hour (ish) of Texas Chainsaw massacre freaked me out. I've got a problem with the being chucked on the hook scene, begging for her life.

I hate to admit it, but the 'Blair Witch Project' got me too. I had to drive my girlfriend back home and she lived in the middle of nowhere. There was mention that this area was the witchcraft capital of Canada. The rumours might be shit, but I've personally stumbled (while hiking, or checking out trails on my dirtbike) on some clearings where there was some sort of animal sacrific had happened. Blood everywhere... Around a firepit on the back of a mountain, etc. Yes, it could've been something else, but that's what I saw and thought. Really, the 1 1/2 drive home at two in the morning was quite uncomfortable. That being said, this movie is only good for one viewing.

I know that it's not a horror flick, but the first half an hour of 'Saving Private Ryan' gave me nightmares. Bad, nasty, horrible nightmares. Oh yeah, the part at the end when the german soldier slowly slides the knife into the dudes chest... Now that's not nice.

Really, I WANT to get freaked out, and I'll check out some of the suggestions here.

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