Well, what I was trying to convey is the idea, that even though some people have no opinion, or could not careless about The Beatles, they still take the time to write it down.
Say for instance someone started a post about ancient Chinese pottery on here, I would know nothing about the subject and would have no opinion on the matter, whatsoever. So, I would not have anything to say about it, and probably most people would feel the same.
This is not true for The Beatles. They are so engrained into our rock culture, and that there is no escaping recognizing them in some way, even if it is to state you that have no opinion. It is like people are stating they are part of some subculture, because they do not have any opinion positive or negative, but they still feel compelled to make a statement.
How many post would we have under the topic "Breeding habits of Canadian Geese?"
It was not the negative or positive opinions I was pointing out, but rather the no opinion that people will still take time to write down . It seems that in most instances, if someone could careless on way or another, they just would not say anything.
I was not speaking of any one post, thread, or conversation, but that in some topics of discussion everyone likes to join in.
In this case, it still speaks of some acknowledgement that The Beatles have had some great influence in rock culture, even if it is to say I have no opinion, or I do not think they were that influential.
beatles records
Last edited by brad lepik_Archive on Fri Aug 05, 2005 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.