Chicago smoking ban

davesec wrote:also, andrewwd, a lot of people are trying to fix all the pollution that cars make. you think most people think what cars are doing to the planet is acceptable? don't try and use it as an excuse; 'this shit isn't perfect so what i'm doing is excusable'. that's weak.

I'm not quite sure what constitutes "a lot of people" given that the US refuses to ratify the Kyoto protocol. I don't think that me putting a cigarettes worth of smoke into my own lungs is on a par with tearing the ozone layer a new asshole. However, Solum, you do have a point; to an extent I am playing Devil's Advocate with my point on cars. It is wrong to use 'bigger issues' as a smokescreen, but I also think that priorities are useful.

Chicago smoking ban

Marsupialized wrote:
vockins wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I try and look back and figure out when the exact moment in time was where everyone just became huge crybaby pussies in this country.
Love it or leave it, asshole.

Love what or leave it? America? I didn't say I hated living here, I like living here. I like America, I like that it changes every so often and I like the fact people have ideas and opinions on how it should change, and discuss these ideas with much vigor...most of the world, shit like this, an internet discussion on a political seen as being dangerous. I know that and I don't take it for granted. I am thankful I live somewhere where I can go outside and scream 'Our President George Bush is a complete moron' without worrying about my neighbors calling some squad to come get fuck off with your love it or leave it. It's a stupid statement to make. You blindly 'love it', I think I'll go with 'Love it or try and convince people to change it in a way that would make you more likely to love it'
Keep that Al Qaeda crap to yourself and stop shaming the sacrifice of our veterans.

I bet you drive an import.

Chicago smoking ban

vockins wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I try and look back and figure out when the exact moment in time was where everyone just became huge crybaby pussies in this country.
Love it or leave it, asshole.


The way I see it: pissing is a natural act, biologically driven, which brings great relief, but also leaves a foul smell and some form of residue. I have no choice but to piss, something enforced by nature itself.

Even having no choice but to piss, and knowing that anyone can sympathize with the condition, I still don't expect to be indulged by my peers should I decide to piss wherever and whenever I feel like it.

I rarely, if ever, give shit to people who smoke near me, and usually don't mind it at all (mostly because I don't want to make much of such a mnor annoyance), but I don't give a shit if people are being stopped from doing it. Smoking is not a necessity (the opposite can be argued about, say, automobiles), it is a habit, and for those who do not participate in it, it's often an annoying, uncomfortable one.

Chicago smoking ban

You think you guys got it bad?

Check out Seattle's new ban which goes into effect tomorrow night (I think). Soon anyway.

"The fine print of Initiative 901 includes a clause that would make the measure not just a ban on indoor smoking, but also a ban on outdoor smoking—if the outdoor space in question lies within 25 feet of any door, window, or air vent that leads into a protected public space, such as a bar, club, restaurant, office building, or vehicle used by the general public."

There's more here:
Last edited by full point_Archive on Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
:spade: :spade:

Chicago smoking ban

So black women have the highest percentage of most recently contracted HIV cases now. I bet if their boyfriends stopped fucking each other in the ass so goddamn much that percentage would greatly diminish. A certain ban comes to mind that wouldn't be very good for San Francisco's real estate business yet would result in many lives saved.
Paul Yon of Louisville Kentucky

Chicago smoking ban

BadComrade wrote:Where are the "big tobacco" lobbyists when you need them for once?

Looks like the Chicago bar ban isn't that bad, and it's pissing some people off. Good!

"Restaurant-bars and taverns were given 2½ years to install an air filtration system that could maintain the same air quality indoors while patrons are smoking as the outdoor air quality surrounding the establishment"

And considering Chicago is consistantly in the Top 15 most polluted American cities, I think this shouldn't be too hard. I'll gladly back my car up to a bar door and help get the air the same as it is outside.

Great job! Another non issue not fixed! Like the cell phone ban in cars!

Will you now be focusing your efforts on the overall air quality of our city? Will the City Council now be going after businesses that pollute or were the restaurants and bars an easier target? I'll try not to hold my breath for the answers. Your selfish pet project is finished, so why make things better for everyone, right?

You're now free to ingest the poison of your choice safe from cigarette smoke, but not safe from polluted air. I'm sure the irony is lost on most of you.
Last edited by El Protoolio_Archive on Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
it's not the length, it's the gersch

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