
Moderator: Greg


Hi again.

Okay, things I have noticed in too many dudes:

Fucking watch your weight. Especially if you expect that of women. I think there are too many guys out there beating off to slender women who never think - maybe I'll not have the bag of chips with that. Oh, and ride your fucking bike.

EDIT: I am not a body elitist. I beleive everyone should find the diet that works with thier body and everyone is beautiful when they believe themselves to be beautiful with true confidence (not walking around like they're god's gift, just beleiving in themselves). I have seen some very hot beer guts on women and I'm sure it could work on a dude. My point was just don't expect anything of a woman that you don't expect of yourself. - I have given myself 20 hippy points for the preceeding statement.

It is not gross or novel in any way when a chick is bleeding. It's part of the whole process and not half as gross as ear wax or shit. Shit is gross a little blood does not bother me. As for the moodiness that -sometimes- accomanies one's period, wouldn't you be a little moodier than normal?

Know what the fuck you're doing when trying to hook up. Do not be all awkward. Do not jump the gun. Do not approach hooking up like 'I gotta trick this girl into liking me'. Be likable. You shouldn't have to convince her to like you.

Do not be at all homophobic. If you've even checked out another dude than you know what's going on when a chick is checking you out. I'm not saying pretend to be gay, just relax about it. Dicks are not going to come flying up your asshole just because you've noticed a particularly good looking dude. Also if you can talk about guys you find attractive a lot of girls (not all but many) find that hot, just as a lot (not all but a lot) of dudes find it hot when chicks check out other chicks.

Sorry I don't ussually get up in time to have coffee before work. I've got to get a lot of shit done at jobby job so I'll be quiet the rest of the day.

Now go ahead and unleash the lions.
Last edited by nc_Archive on Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total.


n.c. wrote:Dicks are not going to come flying up your asshole just because you've noticed a particularly good looking dude.

You know, you say that...

P.S. - Thanks for the new signature.
Vince Clortho = retaliation $& beard;
[img]DefinitelyNOTtheSWEDE = retaliation $& text = "no ceramics in the signal path, mate, only plastic film" endline; SUB $&01001110; BNE $&01000011; JMP $&00011101;Err $&D0256FA2;


n.c, I can't fault a word of what you've written - particularly the weight thing. A beer belly is NOT an achievement you should be proud of.


I'd like to proffer the following:

-Clean your fucking dicks, cracks and pits. Women (and this I feel I can safely generalise about) have a generally higher awareness and appreciation of personal hygiene. I know too many men that seem to think it's acceptable NOT to shower regularly.


You chaps fresh from the caves I take it?

You forgot: "Men! When clubbing your woman and dragging her back to your tree, remember to tie her arms and legs, lest she escapes."

Oh look! Fire!

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