MOTOPAC wrote:Actually Tim Ford hasn't been playing with us for over a year now.
Dag! That's what I get for not talking to the guy for a while. The nice stuff I said about M.O.T.O still stands.
Moderator: Greg
MOTOPAC wrote:Actually Tim Ford hasn't been playing with us for over a year now.
I'm sorry I didn't watch your band, sonny. Why didn't you just yell, "watch me, Daddy, watch me?"
amybugbee wrote:We put out this movie 'CLUB SATAN: The Witches Sabbath'
Terrainasaur wrote:.
Terrainasaur wrote:P.S Your band sucks. But that's niether here nor there.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.
Hey, seriously Terrainasaur.. it seems like a drag what you are saying. It seems you are upset that a band you opened for did not watch you play your songs.
amybugbee wrote:We put out this movie 'CLUB SATAN: The Witches Sabbath'
Terrainasaur wrote:
You didn't want to see the kids fresh out of the proverbial basement play their probably inexperienced, half-assed music? Nothing wrong with that. After all, you've really done some hard time in the tough, mean world of music. Why should you, fresh off the almost deadly road have to watch some kids dick around with instruments two sizes too big? Pardon the sarcasm.
Were you one of the opening bands at The Crow's Nest in Cottage Grove, Oregon last June?
amybugbee wrote:We put out this movie 'CLUB SATAN: The Witches Sabbath'
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