Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

Total votes: 6 (9%)
Total votes: 64 (91%)
Total votes: 70

band: nick cave and the bad seeds

Christopher wrote:From Her To Eternity is so much the Not of Crap.


Christopher wrote:But these ballads...she can stay home.

not seconded. boatman's call is so so beautiful...except for "green eyes" and "black hair."

oh, and "there is a kingdom" can take a walk too.

i owned everything by them up until "no more shall we part." i love the early stuff more than the later stuff. i have a sneaking suspicion he wants to be leonard cohen.

either way, not crap.

and if ya get a chance check out the videos. they're hilarious.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

band: nick cave and the bad seeds

Henry's Dream is one of greatest albums i own.

I listen to it once a week. She is no crap this nick of cave with his aussie
leonard cohen aspirations! at least his name ain't bruce.

also, "Janglin' Jack" is the closest Mr.Cave has come to the Birthday Party
since the b-day party.
also, also, Nick cave covering beatles songs is wrong. just fucking
ChoCko is back in town!

band: nick cave and the bad seeds

Nick Cave, like Dylan or Neil Young, is one of the few artists of an epochal era who has remained relevant through subsequent decades. For instance, The Birthday Party were nearly as good as The Stooges, yet Cave somehow made a smooth transition into adulthood while Iggy has been floundering since New Values. I can't think of any punk-era artist who has aged more gracefully, and I don't know of any Louisville musician over the age of 30 for whom Cave wasn't a huge formative influence.

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